rule main replace [program] P [program] with P [program] end rule
rule main replace [program] P [program] with P [program] end rule
rule replaceIntegers replace [expression] E [integer] with '0' end rule
rule sortArray replace [expression] E [array] sort E end rule
rule avoidDeadlock replace [statement] 'lock(A); lock(B);' with 'lock(B); lock(A);' end rule
Back-end App Developer
Front-end Web Developer
Full Stack Developer (Java)
Full Stack Developer (.Net)
Full Stack Developer (MEAN)
Full Stack Developer (MERN)
DevOps Engineer
Database Engineer (AzureSQL)
Database Engineer (Oracle)
Database Engineer (General)
Solution Architect (.NET)
Solution Architect (Java)
Solution Architect (Ruby)
Solution Architect (Python)
AI Engineer (Python)
Sr. AI Engineer (Python)
AI Strategist (Python)
Business Intelligence Engineer
Systems Analyst
Mainframe Developer (COBOL)
Mainframe Developer (General)