Erlang R16B02 Developer Hiring Guide

Hiring Guide for Erlang R16B02 Engineers

Ask the right questions to secure the right Erlang R16B02 talent among an increasingly shrinking pool of talent.

Erlang R16B02 is a computer programming language developed by Ericsson, a leading telecommunications company, for the purpose of building robust, fault-tolerant systems. Released in 2013, it is a version of the Erlang language which was originally created in the late 1980s to improve telecommunication systems' development and operation. The language is highly concurrent and offers hot swapping, allowing code to be changed without stopping the system. It has been widely used in industries such as telecoms, banking, e-commerce, computer telephony and instant messaging. Erlang's open-source software is known for its performance and reliability, making it a vital tool in high availability systems development.

First 20 minutes

General Erlang R16B02 knowledge and experience

The next 20 minutes of the interview should attempt to focus more specifically on the development questions used, and the level of depth and skill the engineer possesses.

How would you handle errors in Erlang?

Erlang uses a 'let it crash' philosophy for error handling. This means that instead of trying to catch and handle every possible error, we allow the process to fail and rely on a supervisor process to restart it or take some other appropriate action.

Describe the difference between lists and tuples in Erlang.

In Erlang, lists are used when the number of elements is unknown or can change, whereas tuples are used when the number of elements is known and fixed. Additionally, lists are ordered collections of elements, while tuples are ordered collections of heterogeneous elements.

What are the benefits of using Erlang for developing concurrent applications?

Erlang's lightweight processes, message-passing concurrency model, and preemptive scheduling make it well-suited for developing concurrent applications. Additionally, its built-in support for fault tolerance and distribution contributes to the reliability and scalability of such applications.

How would you describe the process communication in Erlang?

In Erlang, processes communicate using a message-passing mechanism. Messages are sent asynchronously and stored in a mailbox until the receiving process is ready to process them.

What are the key features of Erlang R16B02?

Erlang R16B02 has several key features such as concurrency, fault tolerance, distribution, hot swapping, and support for real-time systems.

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What youre looking for early-on

Has the candidate been able to communicate their thoughts and ideas effectively?

Communication skills are vital in software development to ensure everyone in the team understands the project goals and tasks.

Does the candidate show an understanding of OTP (Open Telecom Platform) principles?

OTP is a set of Erlang libraries, which a competent Erlang developer should be familiar with.

How well has the candidate demonstrated their ability to work in a team?

Software development often involves working in teams, so good teamwork skills are essential for this role.

Has the candidate shown a clear understanding of concurrent programming?

Erlang is a concurrent programming language, therefore, a strong understanding of this concept is key for a developer in this role.

Has the candidate been able to solve complex problems during the interview?

Problem-solving skills are vital for developers, as they are often faced with complex issues that need innovative solutions.

Does the candidate demonstrate a deep understanding of Erlang R16B02?

A good candidate should have a solid understanding of the version of Erlang they will be using, as it is critical for developing efficient and reliable software.

Next 20 minutes

Specific Erlang R16B02 development questions

The next 20 minutes of the interview should attempt to focus more specifically on the development questions used, and the level of depth and skill the engineer possesses.

How would you handle shared state in Erlang?

Erlang discourages shared state due to the complexities it introduces in concurrent systems. However, when necessary, shared state can be managed using various mechanisms such as message passing, process dictionaries, ETS tables, or database systems like Mnesia.

Describe the difference between ETS and DETS in Erlang.

ETS (Erlang Term Storage) and DETS (Disk Erlang Term Storage) are two types of storage tables in Erlang. ETS tables are stored in memory and therefore provide fast access times, but are lost if the Erlang node is stopped. DETS tables, on the other hand, are stored on disk and thus persist across node restarts, but have slower access times.

What is hot code swapping in Erlang and how would you use it?

Hot code swapping is a feature in Erlang that allows you to change the code of a running system without stopping or restarting it. This is done using the module system, where a new version of a module can be loaded while the old version is still running.

How would you implement a distributed system in Erlang?

Erlang provides built-in support for distributed systems. This can be achieved by creating multiple Erlang nodes and using the ! operator to send messages between processes running on different nodes. Additionally, the global module can be used to register processes that are visible across all nodes.

What are the differences between spawn and spawn_link in Erlang?

Both spawn and spawn_link are used to create a new process in Erlang. However, spawn_link also establishes a link between the calling process and the new process, which means that if either process terminates, the other process will also be terminated.

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The ideal back-end app developer

What you’re looking to see on the Erlang R16B02 engineer at this point.

At this point, a skilled Erlang R16B02 engineer should demonstrate advanced knowledge of Erlang syntax and OTP principles, experience with concurrent programming, and problem-solving skills. Red flags include struggles with technical questions or lack of real-world experience in managing complex Erlang systems.

Digging deeper

Code questions

These will help you see the candidate's real-world development capabilities with Erlang R16B02.

What does this simple Erlang code do?


start() ->
    io:fwrite('Hello, World!').

This code defines a module named 'hello' and exports a function named 'start' with zero arguments. The 'start' function prints 'Hello, World!' to the console.

What will be the output of this Erlang code snippet?


start() ->
    X = 5,
    Y = 10,
    Z = X + Y,
    io:fwrite('~p~n', [Z]).

This code defines a module named 'test' and exports a function named 'start' with zero arguments. The 'start' function adds two numbers 5 and 10 and assigns the result to variable Z. It then prints the value of Z to the console. So the output will be '15'.

What does this Erlang code do that manipulates a list?


start() ->
    List = [1,2,3,4,5],
    NewList = lists:reverse(List),
    io:fwrite('~p~n', [NewList]).

This code defines a module named 'listtest' and exports a function named 'start' with zero arguments. The 'start' function creates a list of integers from 1 to 5, reverses the list using the 'lists:reverse' function, and then prints the reversed list to the console.

What does this Erlang code do that involves concurrency?


start() ->
    spawn(fun() -> io:fwrite('Hello from a new process!') end).

This code defines a module named 'concurrency' and exports a function named 'start' with zero arguments. The 'start' function spawns a new process that prints 'Hello from a new process!' to the console.

What does this Erlang code do that involves class object?


-record(person, {name, age}).

start() ->
    P = #person{name = 'John', age = 30},
    io:fwrite('~p is ~p years old.~n', [, P#person.age]).

This code defines a module named 'recordtest' and exports a function named 'start' with zero arguments. It also defines a record named 'person' with fields 'name' and 'age'. The 'start' function creates a 'person' record with name 'John' and age 30, and then prints 'John is 30 years old.' to the console.

What will be the output of this advanced Erlang code?


start() ->
    Factorial5 = lists:foldl(fun(X, Acc) -> X * Acc end, 1, lists:seq(1, 5)),
    io:fwrite('Factorial of 5 is ~p.~n', [Factorial5]).

This code defines a module named 'advanced' and exports a function named 'start' with zero arguments. The 'start' function calculates the factorial of 5 using the 'lists:foldl' function and a sequence from 1 to 5, and then prints 'Factorial of 5 is 120.' to the console.

Wrap-up questions

Final candidate for Erlang R16B02 role questions

The final few interview questions for a Erlang R16B02 candidate should typically focus on a combination of technical skills, personal goals, growth potential, team dynamics, and company culture.

What are the differences between the OTP behaviours gen_server, gen_fsm and gen_event?

In Erlang's OTP framework, gen_server is a generic server behaviour for implementing server processes, gen_fsm is a generic finite state machine behaviour for implementing processes that behave as finite state machines, and gen_event is a generic event handling behaviour for implementing event-driven processes.

How would you ensure fault tolerance in an Erlang application?

Erlang provides several mechanisms to build fault-tolerant applications, such as links and monitors for process supervision, the 'let it crash' philosophy for error handling, and hot code swapping for system upgrades without downtime.

Describe the difference between synchronous and asynchronous message passing in Erlang.

In Erlang, synchronous message passing involves a process sending a message and then waiting for a response before it can continue. Asynchronous message passing, on the other hand, involves a process sending a message and then continuing with its execution without waiting for a response.

How would you handle large amounts of data in Erlang?

Erlang provides several mechanisms to handle large amounts of data, such as using distributed Erlang nodes, ETS or DETS tables for in-memory or disk-based storage, respectively, or the Mnesia database for more complex data storage needs.

What are the differences between function and fun in Erlang?

In Erlang, a function is named and defined in a module, while a fun is an anonymous function that is defined and used within another function. Funs can capture variables from their surrounding scope, a feature known as closure.

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Erlang R16B02 application related

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